Well, let's see... We are in the midst of the 880 Widening Project, Project 87, the Airport Expansion Project, the Spieker Properties development, and the Airport Acustical Testing. Obviously, we live in a very busy location. Unfortuantely, in such a busy area, there can be problems, questions, concerns, and issues. One thing that the Rosemary Gardens Neighborhood Association tries to do is to provide you, the residents of the neighborhood, with up-to-date information. Information regarding what is going on around us, the status of projects, and who to contact if you have any questions, problems or concerns.
I encourage all residents who have questions to call the appropriate parties and to voice your concerns. Remember that saying about the "squeaky wheel?" If you don't know who to call or contact, call the RGNA Message Center at 441-RGNA (441-7462).
- Joseph Fota
Because of bad weather, our last Star Party was cancelled at the last minute. But the good news is that James Van Nuland of the San Jose Astronomical Association (SJAA) has rescheduled with the RGNA for Wednesday, February 28th, from 6:30-9:00 p.m. in the Bachrodt School Yard. SJAA will be providing telescopes. Residents may also bring telescopes if they like. What will be available for viewing that night? According to James, the moon, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, some star clusters, double stars, and much more.
Please note: If it is a cloudy or rainy night, this event will be rescheduled.
Below is the list of people that have paid their 2001 membership dues. Thank you!
Marc Fuentes
James Kinghorn
Rachael Osori
Kent and Kimberly Sherwood
Ken and Lucille Steen
Mary Trembley
Rochelle and Larry Vaughn
Roger Wharton
Richard and Eleanor Inouye
Court and Karen Majusiak
Liz Moscato
Jean and John Pagach
Carol Rivera
Kay Brenner
Helen Elliott
Donald and Louise Ercolini
Pete and Florence Harris
Ken Harvey
Ingrid Krantz
Mark and Tadashi Morimoto
Maria Rangel
Jaret and Jennifer Rice
Susan Kirk
Raj and Asha Vyas
Joseph and Cindy Fota
Vita Fota
Jim George
Karl and Marisa McElmurry
Janet Okagaki
Greg and Angela Ott
Dick and Jeanette Winingar
Barbara Burgess
Bonita Hoffman
Melanie Maruca
Sophie and Mark Sahines
Domenic and Mary Surico
Lisa Van den Bogaerde
Best wishes to Beryl Spalding on her move to Willits, California. Beryl was an active member of the RGNA board. She volunteered many hours to the neighborhood and to the many RGNA events. Her smile and can-do attitude will be missed.
After 47 years in Rosemary Gardens, Vernetta Bailey-Heckman sold her house and moved to Washington. Here is her new address and phone number for those of you that would like to keep in touch with her:
14608 41st Ave. Ct. N.W.
Gig Harbor, WA 98332
(253) 853-0421
WANTED: House to rent in Rosemary Gardens or surrounding area. Call Helen at 453-1244.
This project will widen I-880 in San Jose between U.S. 101/North First Street and Montague Expressway from a four- to a six-lane freeway. Widening will take place within the existing median to in- clude a new mixed-flow lane in each direction along with a center barrier. The project also includes a southbound auxiliary lane from U.S. 101 to North First Street and ramp improvements at the south- bound Brokaw Road exit ramp.
Project Objective:
To provide traffic congestion relief for those commuting into and out of Santa Clara County via I-880.
Project Features:
* The new lane in the median for both directions will help relieve the congestion caused by the bottleneck on I-880 between U.S. 101 and Montague Expressway.
* The southbound auxiliary lane between U.S. 101 and North First Street will give motorists additional room to exit or enter the freeway. Vehicles entering the freeway may use this lane to help them merge, and those exiting the freeway have use of a dedicated lane.
* The current design also calls for eliminating the hook ramp onto O'Toole Ave. from the southbound I-880 off-ramp to Brokaw Road. VTA has been working with engineers from the City of San Jose to make O'Toole Ave. a one-way street (southbound only) from the exit to Brokaw Road.
Capital Cost:
$52 million;
Project Funding:
$38 million from 1996 Measures A and B funding
and $14 million in State funds.
Project Schedule:
Construction begins - late 2001,
Project complete - late 2003
The second Saturday of the month is Recycle Saturday. Neighborhood volunteers collect your recyclables - newspapers (sorry no telephone books or magazines), CRV aluminum cans and CRV plastic soda bottles. The money raised helps the RGNA to offset the cost of many neighborhood activities we all enjoy.
Do you know we need your help to be able to continue doing our Recycling Drive? I'll bet you think it will just go on forever, month after month and year after year. Well, here's the real deal - We need Recycling Volunteers! Volunteers are greeted with coffee, juice, muffins or donuts. Recycling Saturdays begin at 8:00 a.m. and usually last about two hours.
SO...Can you volunteer to host a Saturday morning Recycle Drive (hosting a recycling drive does not mean you have to do the collection)? Can you volunteer with a truck to drive & collect? Can you or your children volunteer to ride along and help with collection? Everyone is WELCOME to participate! You don't have to wait for a call or an invitation!
REMEMBER...This is where we live. If we all just invest a little bit of time we can do this easily together. It's one great way to meet new friends, protect the environment and help fund our special activities.
Please join us on:
February 10th
8:00 a.m.
Joseph Fota's
1437 N. San Pedro St.
March 10th
8:00 a.m.
Joseph Fota's
1437 N. San Pedro St.
HOW can you
Call the
message center
at 441-RGNA.
The Airport is still in the process of securing City Council approval for consultant services for the design of the focused treatment for each of the qualified properties. Once that contract is approved, the design work is anticipated to begin in late March. Focused treatment for each dwel- ling will be customized according to the individual property, and can vary from the sealing of mail slots to the replacement of selected windows in specific areas. Due to the fact these are very focused treatments, we expect this work to be completed within a shorter time frame than was required in other areas where the properties needed more comprehensive work.
The Airport recently completed architectural sur- veys of properties in the Rosemary Neighborhood and will be mailing residents a copy of their results.
Should anyone have questions, please call Bert Beattie, Airport Project Manager at (408) 501-7778.
This is just a reminder that there is a Leash Law in San Jose.
PLEASE be responsible... and keep your dog(s) on a leash.
PLEASE be considerate... and clean up after your pet!
Residents of Rosemary Gardens take great pride in their yards and in their neighborhood.
PLEASE respect... the property of others.
The first year Santa cruised through the Rosemary Gardens neighborhood, his trip took about 2-1/2 hours and about 150 candy canes were handed out. This past year, Santa's trip through the neighborhood took more than five hours and over 400 candy canes were distributed. Were we suprised! In fact, halfway through the neighborhood, we ran out of candy canes. I would like to thank the lady on San Juan whose donation to the candy cane fund helped us with our emergency run to P.W. Supermarket for more candy canes.
Also, I would like to thank all of Santa's helpers for making the day a success. The smiles, on both the children and the adults in the neighborhood, were priceless.
Thank you Katie Fortuna, Luke Fortuna, Cindy Fota, Lisa Jensen (from So. University Neighborhood), Kris Kringle, Kayla Majusiak, Melanie Maruca, Vernon Nellis and Sue Valladao.