Airport Noise Advisory Committee (ANAC)
Monday, February 11, 2002
6:30 p.m.
San Jose City Hall Council Chambers
801 N. First Street
The Rosemary Gardens neighborhood has come to an extremely important junction in its history. Many of you have heard about the Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport (SJIA) expansion and the acoustical treatment program being done by the SJIA. In this edition of the neighborhood newsletter, the RGNA has provided you with some of the questions and answers from the January 5th community meeting and instructions of what you can do to help.
This is also a plea for your help and support. Over half the neighborhood is being left out of the treatment area. The RGNA is asking you to take15 minutes of your time and help yourself and the neighborhood by sending a letter or an email to SJIA ( to express your concerns and frustrations regarding the acoustical treatment program.
Don't know what to write? The RGNA has provided you with a form letter. You can copy it. You can change it any way you want. You can even cut it out of the newsletter, sign it, and send it. If you would like to save the 34 cents, drop off your signed letter at 1437 N. San Pedro and the RGNA will make sure your letters get to SJIA before the February 11th deadline.
Don't know whether your house is eligible for treatment or not? See the last page of this news- letter for the proposed CNEL contour map.
Volunteers will also be walking the neighborhood asking for your signatures. Please help us help you. We don't have much time. The approval of the proposed CNEL map will take place at the February 11th Airport Noise Advisory Committee (ANAC) meeting.
What else can you do? Attend the Feb 11th ANAC meeting. When the representative from the RGNA speaks to the committee, stand up and show your support.
The time to act is now.
- Joseph Fota
February 9, 2002
Bonnie and Ransom Fields
1368 N. San Pedro St.
March 9, 2002
Vita Fota
1229 N. San Pedro St.
Hurray for Candy Sylvia! Candy, Gene and Lillian Sylvia's daughter, was chosen from many nominees to carry the 2002 Olympic Torch in the town of Marina where she lives.
A belated Congratulations to first time homeowners Dori Woodhouse and Stephanie Eick of W. Rosemary St. who moved into their new home in August 2001. You may recognize them as living on Santa Paula where they rented for 8 yrs. They share their new home with furry four legged critters and are hoping to get more involved in neighborhood activities. WELCOME!
Welcome to Todd Bowers and Tina Melander of Ferrari Ave, who in March will become Mr. & Mrs. They have worked very hard to get their new home decorated before the honeymoon. Todd is an engineer at Lockheed who enjoys SCUBA and mountain biking. Tina teaches at St. Christopher School and enjoys camping and decorating their new home. Tina's creativity comes naturally, her grandfather is John DeVincenzi, Professor of Art at San Jose State University.
On Dec 10th, 2001, long time resident Eugene (Gene) Sylvia passed away. Gene was not only an active member of the RGNA, but a member of the association since its inception.
In his youth, Gene answered his country's call and served in the army during WWII where he was stationed in the Philippines. Upon returning to the states, he attended Napa Junior College and was quarterback for the school's team. After, he went on to play semi-pro football.
Gene and his wife, Lillian, moved to the neighborhood 41 years ago. Together, they raised three daughters, Vickie, Candy, and Liz. When issues regarding the safety and quality of life threatened our neighborhood, Gene and other residents joined together and formed the RGNA to address those issues.
Gene's efforts in the RGNA, his tireless help on the Recycle Drives, and his efforts on the Neighborhood Warmth Drive were recognized by the City of San Jose. Cindy Chavez awarded Gene a commendation in 1999 when he retired from the board due to health reasons.
Gene's help, support, and inspiration will be greatly missed.
Thank you for your generous donations to our November 10th Warmth Drive! We collected 25 bags of blankets, bedding, jackets, coats and sweaters to help those in need.
Sacred Heart Community Service is grateful for our warm additions to their Clothes Closet. Thank you to Juan Hurtado and Melanie Maruca who collected and delivered our donations.
Please Choose a Cart Size
Starting in July, sorting recyclables will be history! Every San Jose household will get a new, wheeled recycling cart. Your new recycling cart will replace your three yellow recycling bins and your own container for mixed recyclables. BUT FIRST YOU'LL HAVE TO CHOOSE A CART.
In January you'll receive a cart selection card in the mail. Please use the card to choose the size of your new, wheeled recycling cart and other collection options. If you do not receive your selection card in the mail by January 28, please call San Jose City Environmental Services at 277-2700 to request a card be sent to you. You must choose your cart by February 25th.
The recycling carts come in three different sizes: 32, 64 and 96 gallons. For most families the 96 gallon cart will easily hold all newspapers, mixed recyclables, mixed paper and glass. IF YOU DO NOT SELECT A RECYCLING CART and RETURN YOUR CARD, YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY RECEIVE THE 96 GALLON RECYCLING CART.
New collection options include a 20 gallon mini-cart for a 45 cent savings every month and choosing a yard trimmings cart for $1.00 more per month. You may continue to leave yard trimmings loose-in-the-street for collection. You may also choose to use a yard trimmings cart and still put large trimmings that won't fit into the cart like tree branches or heavy prunings in the street.
Residents will receive the new carts between July and October. When your new cart arrives put ALL recyclables into this new container... no more sorting. Cardboard still needs to be cut to the 4' x 4' size. If you cannot fit your cardboard in your cart, lean it against the side of the new recycling cart for pick up.
For more information on the new CLEAN `n GREEN SAN JOSE program and the community meeting schedule, visit the website at or call Customer Service at (408)-277-2700.
Don't forget the one's you love!
Valentine's Day is Thursday, February 14th!
1. The lights from Bad Boys Bail Bonds shine in my windows. Are they legal?
It depends. According to Carl Simpson, City of San Jose Code Enforcement Inspector, the lights in the window are not in compliance with City Code. Bad Boys Bail Bonds has been contacted about this violation. As for the lights above the building, they are a replacement of an already existing sign and are therefore within code.
2. The traffic caused by Bad Boys Bail Bonds on the corner of Rosemary Street is a real problem. Is there anything we can do about it?
Possibly. According to Carl Simpson, City of San Jose Code Enforcement Inspector, Bad Boys Bail Bonds (BBBB) is located in an area not zoned for that type of business. BBBB has been served with a compliance order. However, compliance to this order does not happen overnight and residents are asked to be patient.
In the meantime, please note down date and time of any and all problems and annoyances caused by BBBB. There may be a point down the road where neighborhood testimony may be necessary to help the City of San Jose enforce their city and zoning codes.
3. I found some American flags on the roadside and have picked them up. Now what do I do with them?
The RGNA is working with Ron Leedy, District Activity Chairman for the Boy Scouts of America, in making sure all USA flags given to the RGNA are given a proper retirement.
You can contact the RGNA through the Message Center, 441-RGNA, or through email, rgnaweb@, and arrange to have your flags picked up.
4. When is the City going to trim the trees in front of my house?
According to the City of San Jose Department of Transportation, the sidewalk, park strip and curb and gutter are all within the street right-of-way. Trees within the public right-of-way in front of the house are called street trees. Street trees are generally located in the park strip, that is, between the curb and sidewalk. By State law and local ordinance, responsibility for care and maintenance of the sidewalk and park strip area, including the street tree, rests with the adjacent property owner.
5. Water floods in front of my house because of the tree planted by the City years ago. I want the City to fix my gutter.
You're in luck. The City of San Jose has a grant program to reimburse eligible property owners for the cost of sidewalk and/or curb and gutter repairs. In order to be an eligible property owner, your property must be an owner-occupied, single-family residential unit. Grant amounts are based upon an inspection and estimated repair costs. All grants are subject to available funding, so call now.
To report a sidewalk and/or a curb and gutter problem or request an inspection, please call (408) 277-2572.
6. On Sunday nights, my neighbor keeps putting his garbage in my trash can, but come Monday morning I have no room to put my trash. What can I do? Is this legal?
Try talking to your neighbor first and let them know about the problem. Is it legal? According to Donna Perala, City of San Jose, Environmental Services Department, San Jose Municipal Code 9.10.410 A-2 and A-3 state the following:
A-2. No person shall place any solid waste in or upon any premises in the city other than the premises where such solid waste is generated.
A-3. No person shall permit any premises owned, leased or rented by such person or in such person's possession or control to be used for the storage or accumulation of any solid waste other than solid waste generated on such premises.
Q: How do I know if I'm in the treatment area?
A: According to the map that Mineta SJIA is proposing for approval to the ANAC committee on
February 11th, those homes on the west side of the contour line would be eligible for full treatment.
Q: If I qualified for focus treatment and now I am within the contour line, what does that mean?
A: All homeowners who apply for the acoustical treatment program and who are within the contour
will receive full acoustical treatment (air conditioning, new windows, doors, etc.).
Q: What are the requirements for full or focused treatment?
A: Full treatment, or Category 1B under Title 21 requirements of the FAA, requires the Airport through
the ACT Program to provide full acoustical treatment (all windows, all doors, a/c) and reduce the
CNEL to 45, plus 5 db. For focused treatment, or Category 2/3, the ACT Program is required to
reduce the noise level to 45 CNEL, which may include installing chimney dampers, a door or a
window. In terms of expense, focused treatment usually costs about $8,000 per home, while full
treatment is about $30,000 per home.
Q: Why is air conditioning included in the acoustical treatment?
A: Air Conditioning is one way of insulating a home, with the idea being to keep the acoustical
windows closed to prevent additional sound from entering a home.
Q: How long does the process take before treatment is considered?
A: The final process for map approval is August/September 2002 funding approval is scheduled for
February/March 2003. Once that process is completed, a series of meetings will take place with
property owners to begin the next phase.
Q: What does the testing mean that has already been done in this neighborhood?
A: The testing done in homes two to three years ago determined what the noise levels were in each
home and was used to determine what type of treatment a property owner would qualify for (i.e.,
focused or full treatment).
Q: If I qualified for focused treatment and now I qualify for full treatment, would I receive
focused treatment while I am waiting for full treatment?
A: A decision has not yet been made, but in about a month Airport staff will discuss this matter and
should soon have an answer for property owners who may be affected.
Q: When is focused treatment set to begin?
A: Focused treatment will begin later this year.
Q: If I qualify for full treatment, do I still need to be tested?
A: No, if you qualify for full treatment, the property owner needs to apply as soon as they receive a
letter of eligibility.
Q: If we were tested two to three years ago, and now the contour line has shifted because the
Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) numbers have shifted, will the numbers be
adjusted or will the homes be retested?
A: The ACT Program is currently looking at the existing forecast and has not yet determined how it will
affect the category 2/3 testing program.
Q: Will the noise contour take into account southern departures?
A: Yes, the program that generates the noise contour, the Integrated Noise Model (INM), does take
into account southern departures.
For more information, contact Monica Gomez, Acoustical Treatment Program (ACT), at (408) 501-7792. (Information provided by Rich Dressler, Community Liaison, Norman Y. Mineta San Jose Int'l Airport)
Mark your calendar!
May 4, 2002
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
After more than 50 years of service, the US Mail collection box at Santa Paula and Rosemary has been eliminated. This removal comes as part of the cost cutting measure by the United States Postal Service (USPS) to extract all collection boxes with low volume. According to Velda, USPS Customer Service for City of San Jose, the collection box received an average of 5 pieces of mail a day. The lowest amount of the approximately 75 to 100 boxes in our zone.
So what do we do for a collection box? Well, your postal carrier will pick up your mail at your mailbox if and only if they have mail to deliever to your address or you give your postal carrier your mail. For a collection box, the closest box is located near the corner of Sonora Ave. and N. First St.
To protest this removal, Velda recommends addressing a letter to:
Postmaster Kevin Brown
1750 Meridian Ave.
San Jose, CA 95101-9998
Thank you to all who gave their input for first of three neighborhood infrastructure meetings. Your input is vital. This will help the City of San Jose deteremine how to spend some of the money and resource allocated for our neigborhood. Our second infrastructure meeting will be Wednesday, February 13th at 7:00 p.m. at 1731 Technology Drive (3rd floor conference room).
Below are ideas from our first meeting (in no particular order):
Regularly scheduled Bookmobile days in the neighborhood
Trim Trees
More recreational equipment for the new neighborhood park
Traffic Circles
Feasibility study for a neighborhood grocery store/pharmacy
Speed Bumps
Nicer barriers at the end of Arnold, San Pedro, and Sonora
More stop signs
VTA Park and Ride lot outside the neighborhood
Community Center
Better facilities for the neighborhood at Bachrodt
Parking restrictions
Updated street name signs in the neighborhood
More dumpster days
San Jose Code Enforcement Driveway Teams
Underground Utilities
Light poles which can accommodate banners
Ramps at street corners
Landscaping for the CalTrans lot on Ferrari
Retro-street light fixtures
Obsolete mail storage boxes removed
Fix curbs, gutters, and drains
Repave the streets instead of chipping
Remove old intersection lights
More street trees in the neighborhood
Landscaping of the 87 soundwall
Obsolete bus stop poles removed
Park and Rec. leaders at the school for summer activities for the neighborhood children
If you don't see your ideas on the list. It's not too late. You can send your idea to the or contact the message center at 441-RGNA.
February 1, 2002
Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport
Attn: Noise Center
1732 N. First Street, Suite 600
San Jose, CA 95112
Attn: Noise Center,
I am a resident of the Rosemary Gardens neighborhood and want this letter entered into the February 11th Airport Noise Advisory Committee (ANAC) minutes:
The Rosemary Gardens neighborhood is a community of 458 homes. The Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) contour, submitted for approval at the February 11th ANAC meeting, divides the neighborhood. Since the neighborhood is one contiguous community, the neighborhood should be looked at as a whole when considering acoustical treatment. Similar to the Rosemary Gardens neighborhood, the Guadalupe- Washington neighborhood was split by the CNEL contour but was treated as a con- tiguous area when receiving acoustical treatment. Therefore, I request the following:
1. All homes within the Rosemary Gardens neighborhood receive full acoustical treatment without regard to the location of the CNEL contour line.
2. All homes within the Rosemary Gardens neighborhood, which have already been treated at owner expense with the installation of new doors, windows, dampers, air conditioning, etc. to make their homes less affected by airport noise, are considered for reimbursement for these expenditures.
3. The approval, planning, and budgeting process for acoustical treatment of the homes in the Rosemary Gardens neighborhood be expedited.
4. Consideration is given to the construction of a hush house at the airport to lessen the effects of airport noise on the nearby communities.
Thank you,
(sign your name) (date)
(print your name)
(street address)
San Jose, CA 95110