On November 22, 2002, the Airport Issues Committee, with Board of Directors approval, submitted detailed comments on the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) for:
1.) Airport's
Automated People Mover (APM) and
2.) updated Airport Master Plan Noise Impacts.
On the APM, we concluded that:
1.) the analysis of the traffic impacts on 1st Street was not realistic;
2.) Rosemary Gardens must not be included in the parking analysis, and
3.) the main terminal
on the east end should be at Technology Drive.
On the Noise Impacts, we pointed out that the original 1997 EIR projected that the 65-dB CNEL contour was 86% smaller than the SEIR project contour. This significant error calls into question the entire noise impact methodology. We stated that Rosemary Gardens should be treated as a contiguous neighborhood for noise mitigation activities in the Acoustical Treatment (ACT) program using a modified 60 dB contour, and that the Noise Impacts study needs to be separated from this SEIR and considered on its own merits in another SEIR.
On March 4, 2003, we will have a Special Election to approve the speeding up of the construction of new terminals at the Airport essentially creating a new Airport.
- Ransom Fields, Chairperson
The RGNA is pleased to announce the return of Dumpster Day.
With the help of Councilmember Cindy Chavez and staff member Laura Lam the RGNA was able to negotiate another City sponsored Dumpster Day for the Rosemary Gardens neighborhood.
The City of San Jose Code Enforcement Department will be delivering dumpsters to various locations in the neighborhood. This will be your chance to dispose of tires, mattresses, car parts, etc. for free!
Approximately two weeks before the day, you will receive a flyer with the date, time, locations, do's and don'ts.
You will not be allowed to dump without it.
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
Church of Scientology
80 E. Rosemary St.
7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
The RGNA fought hard for the Law that assured there would be traffic improvements before doubling the flights in and out of San Jose Airport. But the City is spending $1.7 Million to weaken this Law with Measure A.
If passed, Measure A means:
- Delayed road improvement projects
and increased traffic congestion
- NO airport light rail connection
- Millions of dollars wasted on temporary
security buildings when federally required
security measures are already in place!
Don't let the City delay our traffic improvements and traffic relief! The RGNA recommends that you Vote NO on A on March 4th or call 299-VOTE (299-8683) by 02/25/03 to get your absentee Ballot.
This issue directly impacts our neighborhood. Please get out and vote.
In near-real time, San Jose residents with Internet access can now point and click their way to a wide range of flight pattern information.
Last December, the Airport launched its Internet flight-tracking system, AirportMonitor , as a way to keep residents informed about flight operations at all Bay Area airports, with a specific focus on SJC. With AirportMonitor, residents may:
o See detailed traffic patterns and flight paths (flight tracks are delayed approximately)
o Learn about the way aircraft typically flow around the Bay Area region
o Identify specific flights of interest
o View all SJC arrivals and departures, and all in-transit traffic in the region
o Replay flight events after one hour delay, with full details, as well as review up to three months of past flight activity
o View aircraft activity within a 91 mile radius of Mineta San Jose International Airport
AirportMonitor is based on a radar system that picks up signals put out by aircraft. The system is good news for those who live near the Airport and are concerned about aircraft noise. Information about flight patterns and answers to questions about various aircraft are now within easy reach of anyone who logs onto www.sjc.org.
Officials at Mineta San Jose International Airport said AirportMonitor is one of many tools expected to become available that will help deliver real-time information to residents.
- Rich Dressler, Community Liaison, Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport
RGNA Message Center
RGNA Website
Airport Fumes
Airport Noise
Acoustical Treatment Program
Animal Control
Code Enforcement
Crime Prevention / Neighborhood Watch
Graffiti Hotline
Household Hazardous Waste
Poison Control Center
Sewer Leaks / Tree or Street Repair
Shopping Cart Pickup
Sidewalk Repair
Signs and Markings
Transportation, Dept. of
Traffic Enforcement
Vehicle Abatement
Because of the bridge widening at the I-880 overpass at North First Street, North First Street will be closed to through traffic between Rosemary Street and Hedding Street. Traffic will be detoured to North Fourth Street on the following dates:
Friday, Jan 31 through Monday, February 3, 2003
Friday, Feb 7 through Monday, February 10, 2003
Friday, Feb 14 through Monday, February 17, 2003
Work will be continuous through the weekend, starting at 9:00 p.m. Friday evening through 4:00 a.m. Monday morning, weather permitting.
Light rail service will also be temporarily halted between Karina and Civic Center during the closure dates. VTA will be providing a Bus Bridge which will operate between Karina, Metro, Gish, and Civic Center light rail stations.
- Information provided by Brandi Hall, VTA
Starting March 2003, the Gish Light Rail Station will be closed for retrofit work. In an effort to comply with the Americans Disability Act (ADA), Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) will be modifying existing light rail station platforms from the Santa Teresa Station through Downtown San Jose and along North First Street to Tasman Drive. The Gish station platforms will be raised 14 inches to accommodate new low floor light rail vehicles.
The low floor vehicles eliminate the need for wheelchair lifts, will ease boarding and exitiing for all riders, and provide additional space for bicycles and wheelchairs.
The Japantown to Tasman station retrofit is expected to be completed by November 2003. During construction, VTA will be operating a Bus Bridge which will service the Japantown to Tasman stations.
- Information provided by Jennifer Rielly, VTA
Fourth Tuesday of every month
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
NEW LOCATION - Bachrodt, Media Center
(Let's Try It Again!)
Unfortunately, December 9th Star Pary was cancelled due to bad weather, but the RGNA and Bachrodt Elementary have scheduled another Star Party on:
Thursday, February 27th
6:30 p.m.
Bachrodt school yard
According to Jim Van Nuland of the San Jose Astronomical Association, we should be able to see Jupiter, Saturn, and "fainter things."
Never been to a Star Party? It's a great way to see, learn, and appreciate the beauty of the heavens. It is recommended that you dress warmly.
Note: if it is raining, cloudy, or overcast this event will be rescheduled.
The RGNA, working with Our City Forest (OCF), has once again secured an allotment of trees for our neighborhood. This year the RGNA is pleased to announce that in addition to the pink and purple flowering Crepe Myrtle trees we have planted in the past, two more varieties of trees are available, the Flowering Pear tree and the Sycamore tree.
As a reminder, these trees are can only be planted in the parking strip area.
This year OCF is requiring recipients to sign a stewardship form which basically states that you will be responsible for the tree for 3 years: watering the tree as directed, caring for the tree as directed, and monitoring the free tree for disease.
To get a tree, contact the RGNA Message Center at (408) 441-RGNA (441-7462) or send e-mail to rgnaweb@hotmail.com with your name and address.
Hurry. The deadline for tree requests is March 1st.
February 8
Ingrid Krantz
1251 Keoncrest Ave.
March 8
Joseph Fota
1437 N. San Pedro St.
It's a day that neighborhood volunteers collect newspapers (sorry no telephone books or magazines), CRV aluminium cans, and CRV plastic bottles (no glass) to help generate money used by the RGNA to sponser events and defray it's operating costs. So before you toss those newspapers or cans, read the newsletter, see what we do for the neighborhood, and help us by saving those recyclables for us.
Below is the list of people that have paid their 2003 membership dues. Thank you!
Brunsdon, Alison
Deitschman, Tracy
Geissberger, Dave
Golden, Hazel
Kinghorn, James
Langedyk, Ben and Mildred
Martinez, Luis and Cici
Parra, Kat
Steen, Ken and Lucille
Sukup, Olga
Trembley, Mary
Vaughn, Rochelle and Larry
Del Real, Joyce
Kirk, Susan
Magee, Dorothy
Arellano, Carlos and Joan
Belluomini, James
Burgess, Barbara
de Sousa, Tina
Gomez, Adolfo and Ernestina
Hoffman, Bonita
Kelley, Reg
Krchmar, Carolyn
Lowe, Anthony
Maruca, Melanie
Sahines, Sophie
Clymer, Ray and Mary
Elliott, Helen
Garduno, Monica and Philip
Gayles, Rok and Rose
Harris, Hedley and Florence
Harvey, Ken and Stephanie
Hioki, Shig and Emilie
Morimoto, Tadashi
Rangel, Maria
Rice, Jaret and Jennifer
Wilker, Patricia
Yamauchi, Mits and Jean
Fields, Bonnie and Ransom
Foster, Jim
Fota, Joseph and Cindy
Fota, Vita
George, Jim
O'Connor, Michelle
Okagaki, Janet
Rangel, Art and Anna
Strouse, Tiffany
Winingar, Dick and Jeanette
Fukuda, Atsuo and Nancy
Irvin, Lamar
Medina, Kate and Luis
Rosas, Henry
Avilla, Mary
Bettencourt, Maria
Boman, Bud and Barbara
Christianson, Peter
Cox, Leland
Inouye, Richard and Eleanor
Kojima, Eva
Lykam, Stephanie
McEntire, Norma
Moreno, Kathy and Max
Moreno, Mary
Moscato, Liz
Pagach, Jean and John
Prunty, James
Saffarnezhad, Bianca
Sunday, Rosalie
Tokushige, Vic and Peggy
Van Natta, Eugene
Visico, Levine and Stephanie
A bicycle has been turned into the RGNA's Lost & Found. (We have a Lost & Found?) To claim, please contact the RGNA Message Center at 441-RGNA (441-7462) with your name, phone number and a description.
A requirement in most California junior high and high schools is the completion of community service hours. Are you wondering how to fulfill these hours? The RGNA and Bachrodt Elementary School can help you. Bachrodt is seeking helpers and tutors. The RGNA needs committee helpers and flyer distributors.
What could be better? You complete your hours, you volunteer close to your home, and you make a positive change in your community.
To help in your neighborhood, you can contact the RGNA at (408) 441-RGNA. To help at Bachrodt, you can contact Mary Reuss at (408) 535-6211.
We are pleased to update you on the progress of Skyport Residential. You may have noticed that we have broken ground. Construction commenced in August 2002 and we are well underway with our garage structure. The garage structure will be complete by February 2003. General construction of the apartment units will commence in February 2003.
We thank you for your continued support.
As always, we welcome your questions, comments and feedback. Please contact Marilyn Ponte at (510) 594-8811 if you have any questions or need additional information.
- Marilyn Ponte, Senior Development Manager, BayRock Residential, LLC
Thank you to all of you who patiently waited for Santa and we apologize to those of you we missed.
We tried. Santa was halfway through the neighborhood when a strong wind ripped apart Santa's sleigh and sent presents flying down the street. As one of the elves scurried about retrieving the presents, Santa made quick repairs on the sleigh. Just as the sleigh was ready, heavy rain began to fall. Although Santa wanted to continue, the tough decision to cancel the parade was made.
The RGNA would like to thank Vernon Nellis, Kris Kringle, Cindy Fota, and Karl McElmurry for their help.
In small heavy saucepan heat 3/4 cup heavy
cream just to boiling. Off heat, whisk in 2
ounces each unsweetened, semisweet, and
milk chocolate, chopped, and 2 tablespoons
each brown sugar and butter to melt. Swirl over
vanilla ice cream.
Blend together 1/4 cup softened butter or
margarine and 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
powder. Add 1/2 cup sour cream, 4 cups
confectioners' sugar, and 1 tablespoon coffee
liqueur. Beat until very smooth. Fabulous to
fill and frost a 2-layer, 9-inch cake.
In small heavy saucepan over low heat, melt
8 ounces semisweet chocolate chips and 2/3
cup heavy cream. Off heat, beat in 2 tablespoons butter. Freeze until firm. Roll 2 tablespoons mixture around a chocolate kiss; toss
in unsweetened cocoa powder to coat. Chill
before indulging. Makes about 12 to 14
In blender whirl 1 cup chocolate milk, 1/4 cup
scoop chocolate ice cream, and 2 tablespoons
chocolate malt powder. Pour in a 16 ounce
soda glass and top with more ice cream.
Line 2 muffins pans with 24 foil baking cups.
Melt 1+1/2 cups of peanut butter, 5 ounces of
semisweet chocolate squares (chopped) and
2 tablespoons of butter over low heat or in
microwave at medium for 2 minutes. Stir until
smooth. Fold in 1 package of miniature marshmallows. Spoon into baking cups and chill.
Makes about 24 cups.
Toss 8 cups popped popcorn with 3/4 cup
chocolate-flavor drink mix blended with 1
teaspoon cinnamon and 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon
cayenne pepper. H-o-t!
Make pancake mix according to package
directions, adding 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate
chips to batter. Serve in stacks of three, topped
with coffee ice cream and toasted almonds.
Place 1/2 cup frozen strawberries, slightly
thawed, 1/2 cup frozen raspberries, slightly
thawed and 1 cup white grape juice (or apple
juice) in a blender and mix on high until you
have a uniform color. To make the potion thick
er, add more fruit; to make it thinner, add more
juice. Garnish extravagantly with cherries and
sip, sigh and swoon.
With this edible paint recipe, you can turn an
old staple--heart-shaped cookies--into valentine canvases. Mix up your favorite sugar
cookie recipe, cut out the heart shapes, and
add some color before popping the hearts in
the oven. For each color: mix 1 egg yolk and 1
teaspoon of water in a small cup. Add drops of
food coloring until you've reached the desired
shade. Using a small, clean paintbrush, paint
onto unbaked sugar cookies and bake according to your usual directions.
Combine 1 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of water.
Cook to soft ball stage. Add 3 teaspoons of
cinnamon and a dash of salt. Mix well. Add 3
and 1/2 cups of pecans. Stir until it hardens.
Pour out and let cool.
Add cinnamon and salt and mix well. Add the pecans.
Stir until it hardens.
1. Other people park in front of my house and just leave there car there for days. Can other people park in front of my house?
This concern seems to be growing quite rapidly. The majority of the concerns deal with a neighbor's car parked in middle of the parking area in front of a neighbor's house. Also, residents letting friends park in the neighborhood for days in front of someone else's house instead of the airport or their house.
Home owners, the street is public property and legally registered cars can be parked on the street for up to 72 hours before they need to be moved. Cars parked for more than 72 hours can be reported to Code Enforcement at 277-5305.
Most houses can accommodate two cars parked in front. If you must park in front of someone else's home, please be considerate, don't park in the middle. Share the parking areas.
2. Can I sell food at the Neighborhood Yard Sales?
The selling of food and/or drinks on a day that coincides with the Rosemary Gardens Neighborhood Yard Sale is the prerogative of the resident. The RGNA only organizes the Neighborhood Yard Sale.
3. Why are cops writing tickets for residents who don't stop completely at the stop signs on Rosemary? Because there's so little traffic aren't these stop signs just suggestions?
According to the California Vehicle Code, 22450(a), The driver of any vehicle approaching a stop sign at the entrance to, or within, an intersection, or railroad grade crossing shall stop at a limit line, if marked, otherwise before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection. If there is no limit line or crosswalk, the driver shall stop at the entrance to the intersecting roadway or railroad grade crossing.
Nothing is mentioned that stop signs are suggestions. Residents, save your money. It's 25 mph in the neighborhood and the stop signs do mean stop.
As a reminder, NASCOP occasionally monitors the speed of motorist on Gish Rd. and Sonora Ave. and the SJPD Traffic Enforcement Unit occasionally patrols Rosemary St.
4. Where can I get information about my traffic citation?
Traffic citation information can be obtained by calling Traffic Court at 299-2233. Traffic Court is located at 935 Ruff Dr., San Jose CA 95116. The cross street is Hedding.
5. What happened to the street lights that were supposed to be installed on the 1300 block of Keoncrest?
Due to other committments, the Department of Public Works Design and Construction (DPW) has rescheduled the installation of street lights on the 1300 block of Keoncrest. According to Jeff Lee, Eng II DPW, the designs are 80%-90% done and construction is scheduled for spring 2003.
The entire neighborhood is scheduled for street lights, but, if you would like to speed up the process, send your requests for street lights to:
Public Works Design and Construction
Attn: Greg Jobe
801 N. First Street, Room 300
San Jose, CA 95110
6. Is the entrance to Technology Drive permanently blocked off to pedestrians?
No. Due to the construction of the BayRock apartments, the area was closed because of safety concerns. According to Jonel Porta at Equity Office, the area is scheduled to reopen by the end of February.
Best coffee... "It's A Grind" or "Starbuck's"?
Best Chinese food... "UME Chinese Food" or "Mr. Chau's"?
Best sandwich shop... "Quizno's" or "Togo's"?
As new residents move into the community many are contacting the RGNA asking us where's a good place to eat? Where's the best coffee? Where can I find a reliable handyman? Who can I trust to fix my car? ...
Is there a store, resturant, service provider, speciality shop, etc. that you would like to vote as the Rosemary Gardens' Best? Send us the name and contact informtion so we can tabulate the results and publish the results to the community. You can contact the RGNA with your Best through the Message Center at (408) 441-RGNA, or send us e-mail at rgnaweb@hotmail.com.
3970 Rivermark Plaza
near De La Cruz Blvd.
and Montague Expy.
Karlita's Taco Place
Corner of N. 4th St./Gish Rd.
Open 7 Days a Week
6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Skyport Plaza
(near It's A Grind)
M-F 10:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Sat 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Island Grill
Steak, Seafood & Pizza, Exhibition Kitchen, Oyster Bar
1355 N. Forth Street (near E. Rosemary St.)
7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sun-Thur
7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Fri-Sat
o trim, mow, blow
o hedge trimming
o weeding as needed
David Chrisman, Owner
1341 Santa Paula Ave.
San Jose, CA 95110
(408) 441-7377
(408) 828-8895
Coldwell Banker
Residential Brokerage
- I live in Rosemary Gardens.
- I am familiar with the neighborhood.
- I am close by and ready to help!
Barbara Boman, REALTOR
1045 Willow Street
San Jose, CA 95125
Office (408) 491-1600
Direct Line (408) 891-9627
Fax (408) 280-1233
National Credit Repair
o Bankruptcies o Charge Offs
o Foreclosures o Judgements
o Late Payments o Repossesions
o Tax Liens o Student Loans
Cathy B. Bernal
ICR Independent Representative
(408) 436-5518
It's A Grind
Coffee House
Life's A Grind Without Our Coffee!
90 Skyport Drive
Suite 130
San Jose, CA 95110
Tel: (408) 451-9724
Fax: (801) 601-0600