Well the end of another year and what a great year it was. I am pleased to announce the RGNA was this year's winner of the prestigious BRICC Award (Building Resourceful, Inspirational, Creative Community). The BRICC Award is given to neighborhoods or organiza- tions that have shown an improvement in their community. So what did we win? First, we won a brick! A real red brick with a plaque on it that reads:
Community Foundation Silicon Valley
2000 BRICC Award Winner
Building Resourceful, Inspirational, Creative Community
Rosemary Gardens Neighborhood Association
Second, we won a check for $1000.00. Since the BRICC is based on a two year period, I would like to thank this year's and last year's board members: Margie Cornehl, Juan Hurtado, Ben Langedyk, Holly Lewerenz, Stephanie Lykam, Melanie Maruca, Beryl Spalding, Gene Sylvia, Sue Valladao and Donna Weinman.
This past year also saw more than 30 trees planted as part of "Trees for Rosemary Gardens" project, our first ever National Night Out Ice Cream Social, our Smoke Detector Battery Replace- ment project, our Warmth Drive, Dumpster Day and many other projects and events.
None of this would have been possible if not for you, your help, and your support. Thanks to all of our members, our volunteers, and your RGNA.
Finally, a special thank you to the person who is always behind the scenes of almost every project, the editor the newsletter, the web master of the RGNA web page, and the organizer of most of our events, my wife Cindy.
-Joseph Fota
Santa Claus will be handing out candy canes while sleighing through the neighborhood on Saturday, December 9th, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Santa will be travelling down San Pedro, up Forrestal, down Santa Paula, up San Juan, down Keoncrest and up Arnold. Each street will take approximately 30 minutes.
Please come out to wave or say hello when he rides down your street!
If you would like to have a picture taken with Santa and his sleigh, we will have a photographer present. The cost of each picture is $3. Please have exact change available.
Note that this event will be cancelled if it is raining.
Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary to Carlos and Joan Arellano, 46 year residents of Forrestal Ave. A planned picnic with family and friends became their surprise anniversary party. Ron and Vicki Townsend of San Juan Avenue were a special part of her parents anniversary celebration. The Golden Couple celebrated their Oct. 28th Anniversary at a Miami resort, then enjoyed a 7 day Caribbean Cruise. Congratulations and Best Wishes for many more happy years together!
Before leaving for our honeymoon in Hawaii, my husband and I asked our neighbors, Juan and Bernie Hurtado, to watch our house to see if any wedding gifts might be delivered to our doorstep.
One morning, Bernie noticed a man hanging around our house. She called the police and caused herself to be very late for work while she kept an eye on this unwanted visitor. Several police cars responded to Bernie's call. The police surrounded the house and took the man away in handcuffs.
Thanks to the Hurtado's, our home was safe and sound upon our return. -Theresa Fort
Welcome to Alison Brundson and Dave Geissgerger, first time homeowners on Arnold Avenue. Alison is a teacher, and has found a new joy in life... gardening in her new yard. Her husband Dave has turned his favorite hobby into his job, as he loves rock climbing and is a rock climbing instructor. They share their home with two dogs, Grizzly and Mai.
Kurt Ahmann, a new homeowner on W. Rosemary St., finds our neighborhood very quiet compared to his San Francisco apartment. Kurt is enjoying the short commute to Applied Materials, where he is a Manufacturing Engineer. His new hobbies are home projects and gardening. Kurt shares his home with Kat, his cat. Welcome!
The Medina Family, Luis, Kate and Isabel, are enjoying their first home on San Juan Avenue. Luis is a bartender at El Burro in The Pruneyard, and Kate works at Catholic Charities as an Immigration Counselor. Isabel is very excited about becoming a big sister in May. Welcome!
Thank you to Paul Panaghetti for our new neighbors on N. San Pedro St. His niece and nephew, Julie and Justin Davis, spent many Easter Sunday's as children at Virginia Panaghetti's home just down the street from their new home. Julie is a teacher, and loves to ski and garden. Her brother Justin is a Fleet & Lease Mgr. at Capitol GMC, and enjoys duck hunting. Maybe their two Labs, Shamus and Jessie, will be retrieving ducks soon. Welcome!
Welcome to Barbara Gray and Bud Boman of Santa Paula Avenue, and their furry friends Molly and Sparky. Barbara is a Realtor for Century 21 and Bud works for the City of San Jose. They are enjoying fixing up their new home, and in their free time enjoy traveling and hiking. Welcome!
Kirk Bertsche, our newest homeowner on Ferrari Avenue, is also fixing up his new home in his spare time. Kirk is an Engineer at KLA-Temcor, and enjoys volunteering and service work at his Church. Welcome!
The RGNA would like to acknowledge the passing of Elizabeth Ann Anabo. Elizabeth was a key figure in helping this neighborhood obtain grants from Community Foundation Silicon Valley. During her very brief time here on Earth, she helped many neighborhoods, non-profit agencies, and individuals.
Tuesday -- Dec. 5 -- Street Cleaning
Saturday -- Dec. 9 -- Recycle Drive -- 8:00 a.m. 1229 N. San Pedro
Saturday -- Dec. 9 -- SANTA CLAUS... -- 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Your Street
Thursday -- Dec. 21-28 -- Hanukkah
Monday -- Dec. 25 -- Christmas
Tuesday -- Dec. 26 -- NO Board Meeting
Monday -- Jan. 1 -- New Year's Day
Tuesday -- Jan. 2 -- Street Cleaning
Tuesday -- Jan. 9 -- News & Ads due -- 9:00 p.m. 1437 N. San Pedro
Saturday -- Jan. 13 -- Recycle Drive -- 8:00 a.m. 1251 Keoncrest
Monday -- Jan. 15 -- Martin Luther King Day
Tuesday -- Jan. 23 -- Board Meeting -- 7:00 p.m. 1731 Technology
Recycling day is the second Saturday of the month.
Our last day to pickup your cardboard for our monthly Neighborhood Recycle Drive will be Saturday Dec. 9th, 2000. We are no longer able to pickup cardboard after Dec. 9th, so please be sure to put it out with your Monday garbage & recycling. Thank you to those residents who have faithfully saved their cardboard for us.
We will continue to collect your newspapers, all aluminum soda/beer cans and CA Redemption Value plastic bottles, both small and 2 liter size. Sorry, no telephone books or magazines.
Our Neighborhood Recycling Drive will continue as always on the second Saturday of each month. We look forward to your continued recycling participation and support of this neighborhood fund-raising effort.
We are always looking for volunteers and trucks to help with the recycling collection. Please call 441-RGNA (441-7462) or come at 8 a.m. to the homes below to help:
December 9, 2000 - 8:00 a.m. - January 13, 2001
Vita Fota's Home Ingrid Krantz's Home
1229 N. San Pedro St. 1251 Keoncrest Ave.
The San Jose Police Dept. School Safety and Education Unit wants you to join their team!
Your schedule will be approx- imately two hours per day, five days a week; for a total of ten hours per week.
Starting salary is $12.22 per hour with periodic raises.
Call (408) 277-4553 to apply.
With winter now upon us, we are proceeding full-steam ahead with the construction of Skyport. Since our last update, our contractor, Devcon has now completed the steel erection for the first of the three eight-story buildings in Phase One of Skyport. The second of the three will be completely erected, or topped out, by the end of November. Steel erection of the third eight-story building will begin in early 2001. Devcon is currently forming the foundations for the third building, and we are pleased to report that we have completely finished the piledriving program for all of Skyport Phase One. We would like to thank all of you again for your patience and understanding over the past several months while we completed this substructure work.
Now that the steel is erected for the first building, you will see Devcon pouring slabs on the metal decking spanning the columns of each floor. This is done by pumping concrete from a transit-mix truck up to each floor of the building. Masons distribute the concrete with shovels and rakes and vibrate the concrete to eliminate air pockets. Next, workers strike off the surface of the floor slab using a straightedge, and machines are used to float the concrete to give it a smooth finish. Once the concrete has been poured, the columns and beams are next fireproofed using a sprayed-on fiber and binder mixture. To date, about half of the first building has been fireproofed. Following the fireproofing, we will begin erecting the building stone and precast panels for each building. This is scheduled to begin in December, and to last into early February. We will complete the first two eight-story buildings at Skyport by September of next year. On Monday, December 18th, we begin demolition of the vacant (Schlumberger) building on the southwest corner of the Skyport site. We plan to recycle the concrete and rebar from this building in a manner similar to the recycling we performed with the vacant structure demolished earlier this summer.
- Slade Carlton, Spieker Properties
Mention the word "free" and "dumpster" in the same sentence and residents in the neighbor- hood smile.
The neighborhood "Dumpster Day" was a sweeping success. We filled eight bins with rubbish, four bins with scrap metal, and one bin with tires and refrigerators. The RGNA would like to thank Jose Posadas of Council- member Cindy Chavez's office for helping us secure the bins and a big thank you to our volunteers:
Juan Agustinez
Marisol Agustinez
Monica Agustinez
Barbara Burgress
Steven Campbell
Cindy Fota
Joseph Fota
Juan Hurtado
Holly Lewerenz
Court Majusiak
Kayla Majusiak
Liz Moscato
Jacob Richardson
Also... Thank you to any other residents that helped out!
Thank you for your generous donations to our November 11th Warmth Drive! We collected 20 bags of blankets, bedding, jackets, coats and sweaters to help those in need.
Sacred Heart Community Service is grateful for our warm additions to their Clothes Closet. Thank you to the volunteers who collected and delivered our donations:
Lupe Campbell
Steven Campbell
Juan Hurtado
Melanie Maruca
By now, all RGNA members should have received "free" batteries for their smoke detectors. If you haven't received yours please call the Message Center at 441-RGNA (441-7462).
The Holiday Season is here. The holidays bring happiness and joy, as well as theft and victimization. The following are some prevention tips to help you have a wonderful and safe holiday season.
- Take a friend with you (safety in numbers).
- Women - Carry your purse diagonally across your body.
- Men - Place you wallet in your front pants or
jacket pocket.
- Don't overload yourself with shopping bags.
- Take some back to your car and lock them
in the trunk.
- Pay by credit card or check.
- Keep your car in good running condition.
- Make sure you have at least a half tank of gas.
- Park near an entrance or well-lit area.
- Keep all valuables locked in trunk.
- Keep valuables and presents out of sight.
- Do not keep large amounts of money in the
- Do not open the door to strangers.
- Keep doors and windows locked.
The Airport has sent residents in the Rosemary Garden Neighborhood a copy of the results of the architectural surveys of their properties. Residents of homes that qualified for some type of specific focused treatment have inquired about the status of the project. This is the answer given by the Airport Noise Project Manager:
"The Airport has begun the process to secure City Council approval for the consultant services needed for the design of the focused treatment of each qualified home, with the design work anticipated to begin in early 2001. Focused treatment for each dwelling will vary depending on the type of elements requiring correction. Treatments needed will be customized according to the individual property and can vary from the sealing of mail slots to the replacement of selected windows in specific areas. It is expected this focused work will take less time than was needed in other areas because treatments are less comprehensive than those required in higher noise exposure areas."
Should anyone have questions, please call Bert Beattie, Airport Project Manager at (408) 501-7778.
RGNA Message Center : 441-RGNA (441-7462)
RGNA Mail : 1437 N. San Pedro St.
RGNA Website : http://rgna.tripod.com
- - - - - - - -
Abandoned Vehicles : 277-5305
Airport Noise : 452-0707
Citizen CPR classes : CPR-4YOU (277-4968)
City of San Jose Website : www.ci.san-jose.ca.us
Councilmember Cindy Chavez : 277-5231
Paint Grants : 277-4747
Potholes : 277-4373
Senior Info. and Referrals : 345-4532 x206
Sidewalk Repair : 277-2572
Street Sweeping : 432-0444
Streetlight Repair : 277-5517
Unsafe Street Conditions : 277-4373
Sugar Free Maple Crunch
1/3 cup Cary's reduced calorie maple syrup
1 Tablespoon +1 teaspoon reduced calorie margarin
1/2 cup Sprinkle Sweet or Sugar Twin
1/4 cup Brown Sugar Twin
5 cups Rice Chex
Preheat oven to 250 degrees. In large skillet combine maple syrup and margarine. Cook over medium heat until margarine is melted. Stir in Sprinkle Sweet and Brown Sugar Twin. Continue cooking until mixture comes to a boil. Continue cooking 2 minutes longer, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Place Rice Chex on a large cookie sheet sprayed with butter flavored cooking spray. Drizzle syrup mixture over Rice Chex. Mix gently with wooden spoon to coat. Bake 60 minutes stirring every 15 minutes. Store in airtight container.
Cranberry Salad
3 cups whole cranberries (fresh)
3/4 cup white sugar
2 1/3 cup mini-marshmallows
1 - 8 oz. crushed pineapple, drained
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
1 cup whipping cream
Chop cranberries in a blender. Add sugar and chill for two hours. Add crushed pineapple, marshmallows, and nuts. Whip cream and fold into cranberry mixture. Chill overnight. (I've never put in the walnuts) Very nice dish!
Italian Angelette Cookies
1 cup granulated sugar
4 tablespoons margarine or butter, softened
6 large eggs
1/2 teaspoon vanilla or lemon extract
4 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups confectioners' sugar
1/2 cup colored candy décors
Preheat oven to 325F. Grease large cookie sheet.
In large bowl, with mixer at low speed, beat granulated sugar and margarine or butter until blended. Increase speed to high, beat 2 minutes, occasionally scraping bowl with rubber spatula. At low speed, beat in eggs, 1 at a time, beat in vanilla or lemon extract until mixed. Beat in flour, baking powder, and salt just until blended.
With heavily floured hands, shape dough into 1 1/2- inch balls. Place balls, 2 inches apart, on cookie sheet. Bake cookies 20 minutes or until lightly browned. Transfer cookies to wire rack to cool. Repeat with re- maining dough.
When cookies are cool, in small bowl, whisk confec- tioners' sugar and 3 tablespoons plus 1 1/2 teaspoons water until blended. Dip top of each cooled cookie into glaze. (Whisk more water into glaze if it becomes too thick.) Place cookies on wire rack set over waxed paper to catch any drips. Sprinkle with candy décors. Allow glaze to set, about 20 minutes. Store cookies in tightly covered container, with waxed paper between layers, up to 2 weeks.
Below is a list of service providers that Rosemary Gardens residents have had good results with and would like other residents to know about.
Have you had good results from a service provider? Let us know. Call the Message Center at 441-RGNA (7462) or e-mail the information to rgnaweb@hotmail.com.
Please let us know: - who you are - the name of the service provider - and the type of work they did for you.
When you are having work done, let the service provider know that if they do a good job, you will recommend them to the neighborhood! This list will be published periodically and an up-to-date list will be maintained on the RGNA web site. If you don't have access to the web, call the Message Center at 441-RGNA (441-7462) to request a list and one will be delivered to you.
A ** denotes a RGNA resident
APPLIANCE REPAIR: ** Ed Jacome - (408) 453-0840 Long time resident - Over 20 years of experience - Affordable prices 90 day guarantee (10% discount for Rosemary Gardens residents)
ARBORIST: Tree Elite Arborist - Arborist Lee Roy Bowles - (408) 996-8733 tree health, pruning, removal, and stump grinding.
ARBORIST: Tree Health Professionals - Arborist Gil Mitchell - (408) 929-3040 tree health, pruning, removal, and stump grinding.
AUTO MECHANIC: Rose Garden Shell - George Fota - (408) 243-6392 General auto repair.
CONCRETE: MPM Concrete Construction - Mark McAndrew - (408) 227-1475 Licensed Contractor for concrete and brick work,removal and installation. All types of work done.
ELECTIRICAN: Northwest Electric - Kevin Souza - (408) 247-1441
HANDYMAN: Steve Bufalini - (408) 281-9181 (recorder) - (408) 322-2072 (pager) No Job Too Small!
HANDYMAN: ** Kevin Farmer - (408) 892-7390 (cell) carpentry, linoleum, electrical, plumbing, painting, wall repair, tile, and more...
HANDYMAN: ** Bryan Lujan - (408) 452-1319 (home) interior painting and wallpaper, ceiling fan installation, light plumbing, wall repair, light concrete repair, security door installation and more.
HOUSE CLEANING: Janis Myers - (408) 266-5402 - janismyers@aol.com
LANDSCAPING: Ogasawara Landscape - Doug T. Ogasawara - (408) 554-9126 1122 Aster Ave, Sunnyvale - http://www.o-management.com Provide all types of landscaping, maintenance needs and backflow valves.
LIGHTING: Wright Lighting & Fireside - 1766 W. San Carlos St. - (408) 298-4030 special order ceiling fans, provides largest assortment of high quality lighting fixtures.
REMODELING: Jesus Gonzalez - (408) 203-7954 (cell) - (408) 374-0916 (home) Custom made cabinets, new countertop, new floor, installation of new windows and kitchen appliances, update old electrical and plumbing fixtures, and painting.
ROOFING: Fraguglia Roofing - Rob Fraguglia - (408) 257-ROOF (7663) Licensed roofing contractor. Excellent workmanship.
WALLPAPER: The Wallpaper Wizard - (408) 810-1025 Wallpaper removal, preparation, texture and application.
WINDOW WASHER: D's Residential Window Cleaning - Dennis Kuehn - (408) 787-7455