"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."
- Derek Bok, former President of Harvard University
Recently, I had the pleasure of being given a tour of our neighborhood school, Bachrodt Elementary. As of September, the school has gone through some major changes scholastically. Reading scores are up. The reading program, Success For All (SFA), gives the children the attention they need to succeed in school.
Principal Maria Evans has done a wonderful job of improving the school. She brings with her new teachers, a new attitude, and a new spirit. But she could use our help. Do you have an hour or more of free time during the day? Helpers and tutors are needed for reading, writing, arithmetic, and more.
Interested in seeing the changes at your community school? Contact Mary Reuss, at (408) 535-6211 to arrange a tour.
Help make a difference in a child's life.
- Joseph Fota
Wednesday, December 4th
7:00 p.m.
Media Center, Bachrodt Elementary School
In conjunction with the SJPD Community Services Unit, the RGNA will be hosting a Community Safety Seminar on Wednesday, Dec 4th, at 7:00 p.m. at Bachrodt Elementary.
Is the moon in the seventh house?
Has Jupiter aligned with Mars?
Is peace guiding the planets?
And love steering the stars?
But for a more scientific explaination of the structure and order of the universe, come to the RNGA-Bachrodt School Star Party. The San Jose Astronomical Association will be there with their telescopes to answer your questions and to let you peer into the universe.
So come on out and meet the "stars", Monday, December 9th, starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Bachrodt Elementary School yard.
If it is cloudy or raining, this event will be rescheduled.
Santa Claus will be handing out candy canes while sleighing through the neighborhood.
Saturday, December 14th
11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Santa will be travelling down San Pedro, up Forrestal, down Santa Paula, up San Juan, down Keoncrest and up Arnold. Each street will take approximately 30 minutes.
Note that this event will be cancelled if it is raining.
October 1, 2002 - San Juan Ave. - vehicle theft
October 7, 2002 - Santa Paula Ave. - bottled water stolen from the front porch
See something suspicious in the neighborhood? Call 9-1-1 immediately! Unsure whether you should call 9-1-1? Let the 911 dispatcher determine the urgency of your call. Be prepared to give a description of the activity, person(s), vehicle, etc.
Seems like the October's Neighborhood Yard Sale was a hit with both the bargain-hunters and with the residents of the neighborhood. Approximately 82 homes participated in the sale, which is only four less than our record of 86.
The RGNA would like to thank Stephanie Eick and Cindy Fota for giving up a Saturday to help with this event. I would especially like to thank Liz Moscato, who for the past few years has organized this event and kept it going.
The next Neighborhood Yard Sale is scheduled for Saturday, May 3, 2003.
Thank you for your generous donations to our November 9th Warmth Drive! We collected 20 bags of blankets, bedding, jackets, coats and sweaters to help those in need.
Sacred Heart Community Service is grateful for our warm additions to their Clothes Closet. Thank you to the volunteers who collected and delivered our donations:
Mike Campbell
Melanie Maruca
Do you smell noxious aircraft fumes? Do the fumes make you close your windows or run into your house? Do you keep your kids from playing outside or stop working in your yard when the fumes are thick? Are you or your children having any problems with asthma?
We now have a "Fumes" Complaint Line!
As a result of resident concerns, Jerry Hetnar, Environmental Department, of the San Jose Airport is logging complaints from people who are smelling Aircraft fumes. His phone number is (408) 501-7706. You can even leave a message after working hours with your fumes complaint. Be sure to include your address and the date and time in your message.
Don't hesitate to call and log your fume concern! It is only by speaking up and raising our voices that we will be heard! Many people calling will lead to some kind of investigation of those pungent fumes and perhaps something to monitor our most precious resource --- OUR AIR!!
- Patti Bossert, Citizens Against Airport Pollution
(Ginger is purported to soothe an upset stomach)
1/2 cup thinly sliced fresh ginger
6 cups water
2 cinnamon sticks
2 tablespoons honey or brown sugar
lemon wedges for garnish if desired
In a saucepan, simmer ginger, cinnamon, and water 20 minutes, or more for stronger tea. Add honey or sugar and strain tea through a sieve.
(Great for a sore throat)
4 lemons
several slices of ginger root
honey to taste
Juice several lemons, then scrub the peel well. Slice it thinly, and add to the juice. Cover all with plenty of boiling water, cover, and steep until cool. For added benefit, add several slices of ginger root before covering with water. Strain off the liquid, add honey and additional water to taste. Drink hot.
(From the kitchen of Charlotte Grayson, MD)
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority's (VTA) progress on the 1996 Measure B Interstate 880 Widening Project has been significant during the summer months of 2002. VTA contractors accomplished the traffic shift to the new bridge and demolished the older structure over Coyote Creek and Brokaw Road. Completed activities include bridge footing and column construction for the replacement bridge to be built beside the newly completed structure and the restoration of the creek in preparation for the rainy season. Contractors remain on schedule to complete the new Coyote Creek Bridge by April 2003.
During the next three months, activities on I-880 will include superstructure construction of the new bridge, construction of a retaining wall along southbound I-880 on-ramp at Brokaw Road, and clean up and restoration activities at southbound I-880 on-ramp at North First Street. Partial demolition of bridges at North First Street, North Fourth Street and Old Bayshore Highway will also begin by late November 2002. Construction to widen the bridges will impact light rail service along North First Street. A bus bridge will operate between the Karina, Metro/Airport, Gish and Civic Center light rail stations. Signage and flyers will be posted at these stations once specific dates and times are finalized. Generally, VTA will operate the bus bridge on Saturday evenings between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
VTA contractors continue to make every effort to minimize disruption during construction. If you have any questions about this project, please contact Brandi Hall at (408) 952-4297 or e-mail at brandi.hall@vta.org.
- Submitted by Brandi Hall, Public Communication Specialist
December 14
Bonnie Fields
1368 N. San Pedro St.
January 11
Vita Fota
1229 N. San Pedro St.
New to the neighborhood? Don't know what those "Recycling Saturday" signs are all about?
On the second Saturday of each month, neighborhood volunteers collect newspapers (sorry no telephone books or magazines), CRV aluminium cans, and CRV plastic bottles. Recycling Saturday is one way the RGNA generates money to help with it's operating costs, sponsor events in the neighborhood, and produce flyers and the neighborhood newletter.
How can you help?
It's easy. Save up your newspapers, CRV cans, and CRV bottles and put them out on the curb before 8:00 a.m. on the second Saturday of each month. Whether it's a little or a lot, it doesn't matter, because every bit helps.
Want to do more?
We can always use more volunteers, especially those of you with trucks, who can donate 2-3 hours of your time to help. Volunteers meet at the locations listed above for coffee, juice, donuts and instructions.
Want more information, contact the Message Center at 441-RGNA (7462).
It's that time again. Time to renew your Rosemary Gardens Neighborhood Association membership for 2003. When you renew your membership, you help the neighborhood in two ways. One, your dues help us with our operating costs, and, two, the more members the greater our voice when addressing the city about issues affecting our neighborhood.
Not a member? Membership in the Association is a great way to personally contribute to your neighborhood. If you have been waiting to join, now is the time to show your neighborhood spirit and pride. Help us help you keep our neighborhood the best in San Jose!
Thank you to Councilmember District 3 Cindy Chavez! Once again, Councilmember Chavez provided the RGNA with 300 safety necklaces which were distributed Halloween Night.
When will this project get done?
The project won't actually be completed until mid-2005 due to additional work near the Skyport Interchange, Airport Parkway and Route 101.
What is a pile, and how long will it take?
A pile is a kind of reinforced concrete rod - an element of a structure's foundation.
Pile driving is currently occurring at Skyport Drive, Airport Parkway and Hedding Street with the new bridge over 880 following next summer. Depending on weather and schedules, each location takes about three months. Typically hours are 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays. At Hedding, work is allowed 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.
Who can answer my questions?
Lauren Wonder, Caltrans, (408) 232-0228 or Liza Gonzalez, City, (408) 277-2889.
How do I file and document a claim?
(These are general guidelines and not guarantees of acceptance or denial of claims.)
If you feel you have been impacted by construction, you may file a claim with Caltrans. You may choose to document your claim with notes, photos and videos. Call (510) 286-5806 or visit http://www.dot.ca.gov/dist4/claim.htm. Note instructions and time restrictions.
Oh the noise, dust and vibration.
Noise from pile driving is unavoidable, and thus the reason for driving during the day. The contractor has placed vibration monitors adjacent to the neighborhood to measure any earth movement. Unacceptable movements will cease operations.
Dust is also unavoidable, but the contractor is required to keep job sites watered down.
- Lauren Wonder, CalTrans