Emergency |
911 |
Non-Emergency |
311 |
RGNA Message Center |
(408) 441-RGNA |
Councilwoman Cindy Chavez |
(408) 277-5231 |
Airport Noise |
(408) 452-0707 |
Airport Fumes |
(408) 501-7706 |
Abandoned Vehicles: |
on the street |
(408) 277-5305 |
on private property |
(408) 277-5307 |
Anti-Graffiti Hotline |
(408) 277-2758 |
Building Permits |
(408) 535-3555 |
Free Tow on Private Property |
(408) 277-4931 |
Garbage & Recycling |
(408) 535-3515 |
Illegal Dumping |
(408) 277-4373 |
PG&E: |
24-Hour Emergency |
800-743-5000 |
24-Hour Information |
800-743-5002 |
Poison Control Center |
800-876-4766 |
Planning Permits |
(408) 535-3555 |
Police Community Services |
(408) 277-4133 |
Sidewalk, Streets and Light Repair |
(408) 277-3158 |
Stray, Injured Animals |
(408) 727-6529 |
Streets and Traffic |
(408) 277-4373 |
Rosemary Gardens Neighborhood Association